Development Roadmap

2024 Q3 - Foundation and Community Building

  • INFI Token Launch: The initial token offering (ITO) of the INFI governance token, marking the beginning of the Infinet ecosystem.

  • Community Building: Establishing community channels, social media presence, and community-driven initiatives to attract early supporters and contributors.

  • Testnet Launch: Launching the initial testnet to onboard early adopters, developers, and operators to test network functionality and coverage validation processes.

  • Initial Staking and Delegation Setup: Introducing the staking mechanism for early participants to start securing the network and earning rewards.

2024 Q4 - Mainnet and Second Token Launch

  • Mainnet Launch: The official launch of the Infinet mainnet, enabling full-scale operations and decentralized governance.

  • NET Token Launch: The introduction of the NET token, which will serve as the primary utility token for transactions, coverage rewards, and service payments.

  • CEX Listing (INFI and NET): Targeting listings on major centralized exchanges (CEXs) to increase liquidity and accessibility for both INFI and NET tokens.

  • Initial Coverage Expansion: Early deployments of Infinet OMNI devices in select urban and suburban areas to start building real-world network coverage.

2025 Q1 - 5G Integration and Ecosystem Growth

  • 5G Integration: Introducing support for 5G devices and services, expanding the network’s capability to cater to high-bandwidth applications.

  • CONNECT Token Launch: The launch of the CONNECT token specifically for 5G-related transactions and rewards.

  • Decentralized Marketplace Launch: Introducing a marketplace where users and operators can access and purchase network-related services, such as data storage, additional coverage tools, and third-party integrations.

  • Partnerships and Collaborations: Forming strategic partnerships with IoT and telecom companies to drive adoption and leverage shared resources.

2025 Q2-Q4 - Network Scaling and Global Expansion

  • Mass Deployment of Infinet OMNI Devices: Scaling the network with mass deployment across major cities and underserved rural areas.

  • Advanced Proof-of-Coverage Upgrades: Implementing enhanced PoC algorithms that improve coverage accuracy, fraud detection, and regional demand adjustments.

  • 5G Network Expansion: Growing the 5G coverage to support emerging technologies like autonomous vehicles, smart grids, and real-time industrial automation.

  • Sustainability Initiatives: Encouraging the use of renewable energy for network operations by introducing additional rewards for solar-powered and energy-efficient deployments.

  • DAO Implementation and Governance Expansion: Introducing decentralized governance mechanisms that allow the community to propose and vote on upgrades, network fees, and other critical decisions.

2026 and Beyond - Future Innovations and Ecosystem Maturity

  • Global Network Optimization: Focusing on optimizing network performance, reducing latency, and improving user experience across all regions.

  • 6G Preparations: Beginning research and development to integrate next-generation technologies like 6G into the Infinet ecosystem.

  • Advanced Use Cases: Supporting new applications in areas like smart cities, telemedicine, agriculture, and logistics, making Infinet a key infrastructure layer for the global economy.

Last updated