Data Compliance

In an increasingly regulated world, data compliance is a critical concern for decentralized networks. Infinet is designed with privacy and compliance at its core, ensuring that all network operations adhere to global data protection regulations, including GDPR, CCPA, and other relevant standards. Through the use of advanced cryptographic techniques and transparent data practices, Infinet remains compliant while still offering the benefits of decentralization.

Global Compliance Standards:

Infinet complies with the most stringent data protection regulations to ensure that all participants’ data is handled securely and ethically.

  • GDPR Compliance: Infinet follows GDPR principles, including data minimization, the right to be forgotten, and user consent. Personal data is kept private and secure, and users have full control over their data.

  • CCPA Compliance: Infinet also adheres to CCPA requirements, providing transparency around data usage and giving users the ability to opt out of data collection practices.

  • Other Standards: Infinet is designed to be flexible enough to comply with other global and industry-specific standards, such as HIPAA for healthcare data and ISO 27001 for information security management.

Data Handling and Privacy Practices:

To ensure compliance, Infinet employs strict data handling and privacy practices that align with regulatory requirements.

  • Data Minimization: Infinet collects only the minimal amount of data necessary for network operations, reducing the risk of data exposure and ensuring compliance with data minimization principles.

  • User Consent and Control: Users have full control over their data, with easy-to-use tools for managing consent, accessing data, and requesting deletion. The network is built with privacy-by-design principles, meaning user control is baked into the architecture.

  • Anonymization and Pseudonymization: Sensitive data is either anonymized or pseudonymized to ensure that even if data is compromised, it cannot be traced back to individual users.

Transparency and Audits:

Infinet is committed to transparency and regularly undergoes audits to ensure ongoing compliance with data protection regulations.

  • Transparency Reports: The network publishes regular transparency reports detailing how data is handled, what data is collected, and how it is used.

  • Third-Party Audits: Independent audits are conducted to verify compliance with regulations like GDPR and CCPA. These audits ensure that data handling practices meet the highest standards.

  • On-Chain Proofs of Compliance: Infinet leverages blockchain technology to provide immutable, on-chain proofs of compliance, making it easy to verify that data is handled in accordance with regulations.

Last updated