Rewards and Dynamic Adjustments

Infinet’s reward system is designed to incentivize consistent coverage, efficient network operations, and sustainable growth. The dynamic reward structure ensures that operators are fairly compensated based on the value they bring to the network, while also promoting coverage in underserved regions and encouraging eco-friendly deployments.

Proof-of-Coverage Rewards:

Proof-of-Coverage (PoC) rewards are the backbone of Infinet’s reward system. Operators earn rewards in NET tokens by providing reliable coverage and validating nearby devices.

  • Coverage Quality: Devices that consistently provide high-quality coverage earn higher rewards. Metrics like signal strength, uptime, and geographic reach are used to determine reward levels.

  • Cross-Validation: Nodes that successfully validate the coverage of nearby devices receive additional rewards, further incentivizing accurate validation and collaboration between operators.

  • Underserved Areas: Operators who deploy devices in regions with low coverage density receive bonus rewards, promoting balanced network growth and reaching underserved communities.

Dynamic Reward Adjustments:

The reward system dynamically adjusts based on real-time network conditions. This flexibility ensures that the network adapts to changing demands and evolving coverage needs.

  • Regional Demand Adjustments: In areas with high user density or network congestion, rewards are adjusted upward to incentivize additional coverage. Conversely, rewards may be adjusted downward in regions with excess coverage.

  • Energy Efficiency Bonuses: Deployments that use energy-efficient setups, such as solar-powered devices, receive bonus rewards. This encourages operators to adopt sustainable practices while maintaining network reliability.

  • Adaptive Scaling: As the network grows, reward levels are automatically scaled to maintain long-term stability and avoid overinflation of token supply.

Long-Term Stability and Sustainability:

To ensure the longevity of the network, Infinet’s reward system is designed to balance short-term incentives with long-term sustainability.

  • Supply Control Mechanisms: The total supply of NET tokens is regulated through periodic adjustments based on network activity. This prevents oversupply and maintains the value of rewards.

  • Reward Halving Events: Similar to other blockchain networks, Infinet incorporates halving events where the rewards for Proof-of-Coverage are periodically reduced. This mechanism helps control token inflation as the network matures.

  • Environmental Sustainability: By rewarding eco-friendly deployments and reducing the carbon footprint of the network, Infinet promotes a sustainable growth model that aligns with global environmental goals.

Last updated