Anti-Spoofing and Fraud Prevention

To maintain the reliability and trustworthiness of the Infinet network, robust anti-spoofing and fraud prevention measures are in place. These mechanisms prevent bad actors from claiming false rewards, manipulating coverage data, or attempting to compromise the network’s security.

Types of Threats and Fraudulent Activities:

In any decentralized network, there are potential threats and exploits that must be addressed to maintain network integrity.

  • Spoofing: Spoofing occurs when a device falsifies its location or signal data to trick the network into rewarding it for coverage it doesn’t genuinely provide.

  • Sybil Attacks: In a Sybil attack, a single entity creates multiple fake identities to gain disproportionate control over the network or falsely claim multiple rewards.

  • Collusion and Fake Proofs: Bad actors may collude to submit fake validation proofs, deceiving the network into rewarding false claims.

Mechanisms to Prevent Spoofing and Fraud:

Infinet employs multiple layers of defense to ensure that only genuine coverage providers receive rewards and that the network remains secure against fraud.

  • Multi-Layer Verification: In addition to zk-SNARKs, the network requires multiple layers of validation, including cross-checks from nearby devices. This ensures that coverage claims are accurate and consistent across multiple sources.

  • Time and Location Verification: The network uses time-stamped location data and cryptographic proofs to ensure that devices are where they claim to be and are operational over a consistent period.

  • Sybil Resistance: Infinet’s staking and delegation model limits the impact of Sybil attacks by requiring significant stake to gain validation rights. Additionally, validators are randomly assigned to prevent collusion.

  • Cross-Validation by Neighboring Nodes: Neighboring nodes are required to validate each other’s claims. The network compares data from multiple sources to ensure consistency and authenticity.

Automated Fraud Detection and Penalties:

To further secure the network, Infinet uses automated detection systems and enforces penalties for dishonest behavior.

  • Automated Anomaly Detection: The network uses machine learning algorithms to detect unusual patterns, such as devices with inconsistent signal strength or implausible coverage claims.

  • Slashing and Penalties: Validators and nodes found to be submitting false data or engaging in fraudulent activities face slashing, where a portion of their staked tokens are confiscated. Severe or repeated offenses can result in being permanently banned from the network.

  • Reputation Scoring: Nodes are assigned reputation scores based on their past behavior. Nodes with higher scores are prioritized for rewards, while those with low scores are flagged for closer scrutiny.

Last updated